Saturday, June 1, 2013


Hi my name is Emily, I am from New Smyrna Beach. I have always wanted to start a blog and since I just started to venture in on healthy and clean living I think a blog is perfect! I found that I really have a passion for nutrition and wellness, People just really don't know what they are doing to there body's this day and age. I believe that god gave us this natural source for food developed specifically for our bodies why aren't we using it more! It seems out with the bad and in with the good has never been truer. What man puts out ( GMOs, processed food, chemical engineered garbage) has BAD effects on the human body, but what god has giving us (vegetables, fruits, plants, Herbs, ect.) has GOOD effects.

I have alway been pretty proactive about natural living and what not. I have gone through seasons where I Have been super healthy and times where I have been like whatever screw it I am gonna do what I want. I am in my second semester of nursing school and I have two kids and a wonderful husband ( who thinks I'm crazy :)), so there is no wonder why I felt my self to lazy to cook or care what I was eating and also  ended up feeling like I never had any energy and in a fog all the time. In my first semester of nursing school I did a project on high fructose corn syrup, and boy did that finally get the gears turning. I couldn't believe what I was so ignorantly doing to my body. This is where I started my adventure really, I started going to my local health food store (family nutrition in NSB  they are all amazing there!) researching, and reading and my whole life changes. I learned and frankly am still learning so much! But all that is for a later blog. One day I woke up and decided it was a good day to start juicing, I started juicing really because I was sick of  preparing one meal only for me ( my husband isn't completely on board yet) and meal for everyone else. I had already started to eat more raw at this time.  

So today marks the first day of my continuous 10 day juice fast. I will be eating nothing and drinking juice (not mots or welches ;)) and water. And I am going to blog about it everyday! I will post another blog tonight letting everyone in on the conclusion of my first day of fasting.

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