Monday, June 24, 2013

Gee whiz. 40+ lbs and counting!

Wow well today marks over 40 lbs down! That is one of my kids! The funny thing is I stopped trying to loose weight a while ago lol and just focused on my health and the weight is still coming off. It has slowed down, which is good, that tells me that hopefully in another 10 lbs it will stop coming off. I don't want to loose too much weight. I eat a crazy amount of fruit and stuff so hopefully everything will stabilize. One downfall of loosing all that weight it clothes, none of my clothes fit anymore! But I'm ok with that I see a shopping trip in my future! 
Evernote if you guys just want to change your lifestyle for health reasons, go for it. The weight was just one perk for me, health is my real reward! And don't worry , thinking you can't do this because you will loose weight. I have heard testimonies about people who were underweight who gained to there perfect weight. It's like our bodies know how much it should weigh at a state of premium health, and whether your body has to lose or gain it will find its balance.
The truth is America is a starving country, and it really makes me sad. We eat nothing but empty calorie, so nutritionally we are starved. Even if people would simply shop the perimeter of the grocery store and leave all the middle isles alone, and leave McDonald's to the clown we would see tremendous results. You see when you go to McDonald's or or Burger King you aren't buying food, you are buying a feeling, because you are not absorbing nutrition from that so you might as well not. Every bite you ingest is used to rebuild the cells in your body, so in theory you really are what you eat. Do you want to be chemical garbage or packed with vitamins and minerals your body can use to keep your body running like a well oiled machine. Every bite you take can be an investment in your health, that's the way I look at it anyway.
I also urge you guys to ink about organic and buying organic. There are absolutely no chemicals in USDA organic food! My husband made a good point lat night, isn't it sad that we label the pure stuff (ie organic) but not the harmful stuff ( ie GMO, Corn syrup, chemicals). I know organic is expensive but if you can't afford it at least buy greens and apples organic. Those are staples in this diet, and you really don't want to buy waxed apples they can be over a year old. If you do buy organic I am posting a recipe for a veggie and fruit wash below just spray and rinse well! 

Veggie wash ( it is a great all purpose cleaner as well) 

2 tbs vinegar
1tbs baking soda
1 tbs liquid soap ( I use dr bronners) 
Fill rest of spray bottle with warm water 

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