Friday, June 28, 2013


Well I know it has been a f eew days, I am going to try and do a blog. Everyday, or at least every other day starting now. I have been immersed I'm my readings, and am learning a lot of cool things. Something funny happened over the weekend, I had a family dinner and decided to cheat on my diet a  little, well a lot, I had the most fantastic meal shepards pie and my  Noni's Mac n cheese. I couldn't say no those were my favorite foods, my Noni is a spectacular cook! Well when I got home I started to break out in a rash on my hands and ears, plus I was having stomach pain. The stomach pain was understandable I hadn't eaten cooked dairy and wheat and all the good stuff in 3 months. But the rash? What was that all about I decided to look it up. Well I found out after being on raw fruits and veggies for so long. My body has became a fine tuned machine and didn't recognize that as food I guess. And immediately started detoxing the cooked food. Well that wasn't fun at all. Lol I probably should have take it easier than I did. But anyways I'm back on track  and all is well, I do believe it is important to let yourself enjoy your Noni's comfort foods, that is what makes memory's after all. You don't want to feel deprived in this or you have more of a chance of failing, just remember 1 day at a time. 
I have also been wanting to say don't feel like it won't work because your family will never go for that. It is possible, my family eats a cooked meal every night, prepared by yours truly. It is hard at first but trust me it gets easier. I just prepare what I'm going to eat at the same time. We all still sit down together. If you want to change their diets I suggest little changes at a time, unless they are all on board but still take it easy.
Here is a pic of my wheatgrass. 

1 comment:

  1. the wheatgrass looks great, way to go on your healthy eating lifestyle!
