Friday, June 14, 2013

Getting creative and saving money!

So I have been sticking to a raw vegan diet since the fast, and I love it! I did try to have some chicken breast But it really upset my stomach. I was never really a big meat eater anyways, so it really isn't a big deal for me to skip out on the meat I don't miss it. Dairy hasn't  been a problem either, I have been making my own homemade almond milk, yummy I will show you how below. I haven't tried. Eggs yet but I will eventually try one once in a while, maybe I'm not big on eggs either. Wow I never realized how easy it would be to omit theses things from my life! I have also taken out all gluten as well I did try a piece of sprouted grain bread the other day. It was good, but my body wasn't used to the heaviness of it so I didn't eat for the rest of the day. I love the raw lifestyle because when I'm hungry I eat when I'm not I don't. Instead of having calories counted or diets regimented, I just eat and when I want to loose weight I cut down on nuts and seeds, and oils and lessen the avocados and bananas. Other than that I eat whatever as long as its raw, fruits or veggies. I do add in some garbanzos every once in a while, but I soak them for s day and cook them slow and on a low low heat like low in the crockpot. Then I take them out store in a big glass jar add a few here and there.
Here is a pic of my last nights dinner raw spaghetti with zucchini noodles mmm..

 The trick  with eating raw is that the things you eat can't reach a temperature of above 118 degrees. It starts killing vital nutrient and enzymes after this point. I ended up getting a cheap dehydrator and I love it I have made raw sweet potatoe  chips and dried strawberries. So I want to show you guys how I made my own almond milk, almond butter, and walnut butter.

Almond milk (raw)

This is how I store it.

1 cup unroasted unsalted almonds
4 cups water
You can add things like honey, agave, or an organic sugar melted in hot water
Also you can vanilla bean or vanilla extract. 

All you have to do is put it all (except the sweetner) in the blender depending on how good your blender it it can take 2 -5 minutes blending time. When it is done blending strain the cheese clothe or a nut milk bag ( you can get a health food store or online, I use cheese clothe because I have it but when I'm out I will be buying a nut milk bag). I save the finely ground almond pieces and use them as flour in almond cookies and pie crusts. After you have your strained milk add your sweetener. Let it refrigerate over night and enjoy. 

Nut butter 

For almond butter you can use a blender or a masticating juicer if you have the attachment. I used my juicer, all you do is get the nuts extremely finely ground up, raw nuts don't have a lot of oils in them so you will have to add your own into the ground nuts, I used coconut oil, and honey for a little sweetness. You will have to play with the oil in the recipe ( I use around one tablespoon)  because not all nuts are created equal. But as for the honey about 1 tablespoon to a cup of nuts. 

Night guys! Oh and I'm changing the name of my blog!

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