Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer time!

I just love summer time, mostly because it is a break from the rigamarole of nursing school. You guys will be excited to know that I just bought two new books, the china study, and the 80/10/10 diet. So I can't wait to read them and tell you guys what I learn. They are both nutrition books btw. So I have been staying raw and vegan, I feel amazing! I have eaten some seafood but that was just one meal and it didn't affect me badly in any way! I have been eating a ton of fruit like bananas and such.

Speaking of I wanted to revise something I may have said, I may have said to cut out the fruit if you are wanting to loose weight. I have done some more research and I have come to the conclusion, don't limit yourselves! You see god intends not to harm you but love you, I have never heard of anyone having a heart attack from eating to many bananas. I have been eating a ton of fruit and my weight is continually dropping I even feel my muscles starting to get some tone in my abs. I don't fit in any of my clothes anymore so i got down my box of clothes from before I got pregnant with Craigie and I am swimming in those too! But I will say the ONLY sugar I get is from fruit, and a very occasional bit of honey, there is no refined sugar or any sugar at all in my diet except for what is in the fruit I eat, and let me tell you my diet is mainly fruit! I do get a healthy amount of veggies in too, don't forget about those guys! This is definnately a lifestyle of abundance, I don't have to limit my self of gods delicious treasures! I do limit fats to no more that 10 percent of my daily intake ( avocados, nuts, and seeds).

I can not tell you how much my life has changed and how good I feel since I made this change.
I challenge anyone reading this blog to go just 3 days raw vegan!  I am curious to se how it affects others!

Here is my delicious lunch smoothie recipe

1 mango
1 orange
1 handful spinach 
A few cashews
A dash of almond milk
1/2 -1 banana 
1 cup ice 

.........and yes I drink the whole thing!

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