Saturday, June 8, 2013

Eight is great!

 Well day nine was great! I got to make juice for some of my friends, it was so delicious. Everything went well fasting is going good, pretty easy day all in all  no complaints. It was a very busy day however. We ended up getting home rather late again, kids were so tired! I love spending time with friends and family! A tip for those of you going on a fast or are planning on even just doing a 24-48 hour cleanse, if you do have a masticating juicer that is, store your juice in advance! If you know your going to be having a busy day make all of tomorrows juices today, it will save you the hunger pains and the risk of cheating. I store my juice in a mason jar, I fill the jar as high as I can put the lid on. You also can store your for 72 hours.

So here it is my info on why no grains, dairy, legumes. 

Grains contain anti-nutrients which interact with our bodies function, producing adverse toxic effects inhibiting nutrient absorption and attacking enzymes needed for digestion. They  also contain lectin and gluten; these are both linked to inflammatory problems and digestive diseases.

The Glycemic Index of grains is also much higher to that of un-processed fruits and vegetables. A  rise in blood sugar levels leads to many health problems, like jdiabetes, weight gain and cardiovascular diseases. Types of grains to avoid on the paleo diet include wheat and all processed foods made with wheat or wheat flour, rye and all processed foods made with rye, barley, rice, oats and corn.

The reason dairy is not part of the paleo diet is because people did not eat dairy before animals were domesticated. the problem with the majority of dairy products lining up supermarket shelves boils down to two factors; the health of the animal and the processing factors.
"The environment and living conditions that commercial cows are placed under is not one that promotes good health. They are kept in a confined individual cell on cement floors in an over-crowded building, forced to produce milk ten months of the year. The cows are fed a diet consisting of grains, corn and soy and are more often than not pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones. An un-healthy cow cannot produce healthy milk, and considering the life span of commercial cows is 42 months (compared to 12-15 years of a pasture cow), the milk is definitely anything but healthy." (Living

Legumes are very similar to grains because they needed to be cooked in order to be edible. Legumes also have similar traits to grains,  they contain phytates which inhibit nutrient absorption and cause inflammation. They also contain lectins and play with  regulated  hormonal functions.
Types of legumes to avoid on the paleo diet include lentils, all beans (such as kidney beans, pinto beans and broad beans), peanuts (peanuts are a legume not a nut), soy beans and chickpeas.

"It is fairy easy to see how sweets weren’t part of the hunter-gatherer diet; most candies and desserts are the result of modern technologies and heavy processing combining sugars and chemical flavors together.
For many thousands of years the paleo hunter-gatherer survived without consuming any traces of sugars apart from those found naturally in fruit such as berries. Refined sugars are only a recent introduction to society but its consumption is rapidly increasing every year; in 1900 the average person consumed 10pounds of sugar a year, in 1985 the average person consumed 124pounds a year, by the year 2000 the average yearly consumption of sugar was 160pounds per person."
calorie-free sugars such as Aspartame, Equal and Splenda.  Artificial sugars are made up of table sugar and modified with chemicals such as chlorine and phosgene gas, they act as an excitotoxin in the body which leads to the destruction of cells.

Transfer fat
when oil is heated above 200 degrees Celsius the shape of the fatty acid molecules change, turning it into a bad an d toxic fat called trans-fat.
Some fats can turn rancid and cause free-radical damage in the body if applied to high temperatures.
Our bodies use fat in many ways, but one of the more essential uses of fats in the body is to create cell membranes. Consuming the wrong types of fats will cause the membranes to degrade and ultimately mal-function and die.
Types of oils to avoid on the paleo diet include supermarket oils such as canola oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil.

I looked a a lot of different articles at books and I ended up getting a lot of thin information at This is a pretty good website if you were curious.

So that's a lot to think about tonight :) but remember Adam and Eve did without it! Will you? 
The answer for me is I don't know I will going without everything excerpt garbanzo bean and a few other legumes. I believe that is just the direction I'm being led so I'm just Rolling  with it.
Night night guys! 


1 comment:

  1. Yeah I wrote the second part on my note pad and pasted it I'm assuming they don't change the font for you o well lol
